Abbreviated Paper on The Distinctive Marks of Reformed Church
A Reformed Baptist Church is
distinguished by its conviction regarding the sufficiency and authority, in addition to the inspiration and
infallibility, of the Word of God.
A Reformed Baptist Church is
distinguished by an unshakeable conviction
that the church exists for the glory of God.
A Reformed Baptist church is
distinguished by its conviction that the local
church is central to the purposes of God on the earth.
A Reformed Baptist Church is
distinguished by its conviction that preaching
is foundational to the life of the church.
A Reformed Baptist Church is
distinguished by the conviction that salvation
radically alters the life of the convert.
A Reformed Baptist Church has
a conviction that the Law of God (as expressed in the Ten Com-mandments) is regulative in the life of the new covenant
A Reformed Baptist Church is
distinguished by a conviction regarding
male leadership in the church.
Our age has witnessed the feminization
of Christianity.
A Reformed Baptist Church is
distinguished by a conviction regarding the
serious nature of church membership. We
take seriously the admonition of Heb. 10: 24,25.
A Reformed Baptist Church is
distinguished by a conviction regarding
biblical church discipline that is redemptive and restorative (Matt.
18:15-17; Gal. 6:10. Discipline is to be carried out in a twofold way: Nomitative Discipline, that is,
through preaching and teaching, and Corrective
Discipline, that is, by calling the sinning believer to repentance,
and disfellowshipping the non-repentant (1 Cor. 5).
Discipline is a means of keeping the church pure, and a pure church
is a powerful church.
We need to be reminded that
the stated distinctives and convictions do not give Reformed Baptists the
right to be arrogant, boastful, or proud, because “God resists the proud,
But gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6). To summarize the character qualities
of reformers, then, is appropriate. “The true Reformer has a mind that is centered on God’s majesty, a spirit that is sorry for sin, a heart
that is full of gratitude for God’s grace, and a will that submits to His holy purpose. In other words, the true Reformer
is a person whose whole person and entire life are dedicated to the glory
of God!”
You may be asking, “WHAT IS
REFORMED THEOLOGY”? It is the Biblical
teaching of sixteenth century Protestantism (the protest against of erroneous
Catholic dogma led by a Catholic Monk, Martin Luther), affirming that salvation
is by God’s grace alone, through faith alone, and because of Christ alone.