Hymnal 1975 edition

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Each File is Name Bphym***.mid
Where the *** is the Number Listed Below.
Here To Download A List of The Hymns In Number Order
Here To Download A List of The Hymns In Alphabetical Order
001 Holy,Holy,Holy-----John
B.Dykes 1861
002 Come,Thou Almighty King-----Felice de
Giardini 1769
003 God,Our Father, We Adore Thee-----John
Zundel 1870
004 Glory Be to the Father (Meineke)-----Charles
Meineke 1844
005 Glory Be to the Father (Greatorex)-----Henry
W. Greatorex 1851
006 Praise God,from Whom All Blessings Flow(altered)-----Genevan
Psalter 1551
007 Praise God,from Whom All Blessings Flow(original)-----Genevan
Psalter 1551
008 Praise, My Soul the King of Heaven-----Mark
Andrews 1931
009 All Creatures of Our God and King-----Geistliche
Kirchengesang 1623
010 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty-----Stralsund
Gesangbuch 1665
011 Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him-----Rowland
H.Prichard 1830
012 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing(Warrenton)-----The
Sacred Harp 1844
013 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing(Nettleton)-----John
Wythe 1813
014 Praise the Lord-----H.W.Zimmermann 1970
015 We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer-----Netherlands
Folk Song 1877
016 God Himself Is with Us-----Joachim Neander
017 All People That on Earth Do Dwell-----Genevan
Psalter 1551
018 Praise Him, O Praise Him-----William J.Reynolds
019 O Gracious Lord, Accept Our Praise-----Phillip
M.Young 1966
020 God of Earth and Outer Space-----Joseph
Parry 1879
021 O Come, Loud Anthems Let Us Sing-----Dresden
022 Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above-----1566
023 Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above-----1742
024 Let All the World in Every Corner Sing-----Robert
G.McCutchan 1934
025 The God of Abraham Praise-----Hebrew Melody
circa 1400
026 Stand Up and Bless the Lord-----Genevan
Psalter 1551
027 Let Us with a Gladsome Mind-----John Antes
028 Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart-----Arthur H.Messiter
029 We Believe in One True God-----Spanish
030 O Worship the King-----Johann M.Haydn
031 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee-----Ludwig
van Beethoven 1824
032 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise-----Welsh
Hymn Tune
033 To God Be the Glory-----William H.Doane
034 O My Soul, Bless God the Father-----Christian
F.Witt 1715
035 How Great Thou Art-----Swedish Folk Melody
036 God Is Love, His Mercy Brightens-----Christian
F. Witt 1715
037 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God-----Martin
Luther 1529
038 Jesus Lives and Jesus Leads-----Erik R.Routley
039 All Glory, Laud, and Honor-----Melchior
Teschner 1615
040 All Hail the Power of Jesus'Name(Coronation)-----Oliver
Holden 1793
041 All Hail the Power of Jesus'Name(Diadem)-----James
Ellor 1838
042 All Hail the Power of Jesus'Name(Miles
Lane)-----William Shrubsole 1779
043 All Praise to Thee-----Ralph V.Williams
044 When Morning Guilds the Skies-----Joseph
Barnby 1868
045 We Praise Thee With Our Minds, O Lord-----Irish
046 Praise the Lord, the King of Glory-----W.Hines
Sims 1964
047 Declare, O Heavens, the Lord of Space-----Geistliche
Kirchengesang 1623
048 Fairest Lord Jesus-----Schlesische Volkslieder
049 For the Beauty of the Earth(Raymer)-----Buryl
Red 1971
050 Blessed Be The Name-----Anonymous
051 Great Redeemer, We Adore Thee-----Paolo
Conte 1936
052 Crown Him with Many Crowns-----George
J.Elvey 1868
053 I Will Sing the Wondrous Story(Hyfrydol)-----Rowland
H. Prichard 1830
054 For the Beauty of the Earth(Dix)-----William
H.Monk 1861
055 I Will Sing the Wondrous Story-----Peter
P.Bilhorn 1886
056 "Man of Sorrows," What a Name-----Phillip
P.Bliss 1875
057 My God, I Love Thee-----Trad.English Melody
058 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling-----John
Zundel 1870
059 Glorious Is Thy Name-----B.B.McKinney
060 Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know-----H.A.C.Malan
061 Come, Christians, Join To Sing-----Benjamin
Carr 1826
062 Of the Fathers Love Begotten------13th
Century Melody
063 I Stand Amazed in the Prescence-----Charles
H.Gabriel 1905
064 Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners-----R.H.Prichard
065 Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name-----Edward
066 There Is a Name I Love to Hear-----Anonymous,
19th century
067 Praise Him! Praise Him!-----Chester G.Allen,
068 This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made-----Thomas
A. Arne, 1762
069 O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing-----Carl
G. Glaser, 1739
070 In the Cross of Christ I Glory-----Ithamar
Conkey, 1849
071 His Name Is Wonderful-----Audrey Mier
072 Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts-----Henry
Baker 1854
073 Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee-----John
B.Dykes, 1866
074 Jesus! Name of Wondrous Love-----Everett
Titcomb, 1947
075 I Love Thee-----Anonymous, 1805
076 My Jesus, I Love Thee-----Adoniram J.Gordon,
077 Comfort, Comfort Ye My People-----Genevan
Psalter, 1551
078 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel----Thomas Helmore,
079 Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus-----Rowland
H.Prichard 1830
080 Away in a Manger-----James R.Murray 1887
081 O Come, All Ye Faithful-----John Frances
Wade 1743
082 Go, Tell It on the Mountain-----Old Spiritual
083 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing-----Felix
Mendelssohn 1840
084 Child in the Manger-----Gaelic Melody
085 O Little Town of Bethlehem-----Lewis Redner
086 It Came upon the Midnight Clear-----Richard
S.Willis 1850
087 Angels, from the Realms of Glory-----Henry
Smart 1867
088 Joy to the World-----Lowell Mason 1839
089 Silent Night-----Franz Gruber 1818
090 Good Christian Men, Rejoice-----Traditional
German Carol 13??
091 The First Nowell-----Traditional English
092 Sing Hosannas-----Polish Carol
093 There's a song in the Air-----B.F.White
094 Infant Holy, Infant Lowly-----Polish Carol
095 Angels We Have Heard on High-----Traditional
French carol
096 Awake, My Soul, Awake, My Tongue-----Winchester
Old 1592
097 While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks-----Winchester
Old 1592
098 We Would See Jesus; Lo! His Star-----William
J.Reynolds 1974
099 O Sing a Song of Bethlehem-----Traditional
English Melody 1906
100 Jesus, Friend of Thronging Pilgrims-----Paul
Langston 1974
101 Strong, Righteous Man of Galilee-----John
B.Dykes 1861
102 The Great Physician-----John H. Stockton
103 My Master Was So Very Poor-----Alta C.
Faircloth 1964
104 Glory Be to God On High-----Folk Tune(Michael
Row Your Boat Ashore)
105 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded-----Hans Leo
Hassler 1601
106 What Wondrous Love Is This-----William
Walker 1835
107 There Is a Fountain-----Early American
108 Were You There-----Traditional Negro Spiritual
109 Blessed Redeemer-----Harry Dixon Loes
110 For Me-----B.B.McKinney 1957
111 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross-----Lowell
Mason 1824
112 Go to Dark Gethsemane-----Richard Redhead
113 Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed-----Hugh
Wilson 1825
114 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today-----Lyra
Davidica 1708
115 Jesus Christ Is Risen Today-----Robert
Williams 1817
116 Rejoice, All Ye People-----Albert G.Methfessel
117 Alleluia! Alleluia!-----Beethoven 1824
118 Low in the Grave He Lay-----Robert Lowry
119 The First Lord's Day-----William N McElrath
120 Rejoice, the Lord Is King-----John Darwell
121 Look, Ye Saints! The Sight Is Glorious-----William
Owen 1890
122 I Know that My Redeemer Liveth-----James
H. Filmore 1893
123 Good Christian Men, Rejoice and Sing-----Melchior
Vulpius 1609
124 This Joyful Eastertide-----17th Century
Dutch Melody 1600s
125 The Head That Once Was Crowned-----Jeremiah
Clark 1707
126 Come Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs-----Henry
Lahee 1855
127 One Day-----Charles H.Marsh 1909
128 The Lord Will Come-----Jeremiah Clark
129 What If It Were Today?-----Leila N.Morris
130 Pentecostal Power-----Charles H.Gabriel
131 Breathe on Me-----B.B.McKinney 1937
132 Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart-----Frederick
C.Atkinson 1870
133 Spirit of God, Our Comforter-----John
B.Dykes 1866
134 Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove-----American
Psalm Tune 17??
135 Holy Spirit, Light Divine-----Louis M.Gottschalk
136 Spirit of the Living God-----Daniel Iverson
137 O Breath of Life-----Joel Blomquist
138 Break Thou the Bread of Life-----William
F. Sherwin 1877
139 Holy Bible, Book Divine-----William S.Bradbury
140 O Word of God Incarnate-----Neuvermehrtes
Gesangbuch 1693
141 Christian Men, Arise and Give-----Conrad
Kocher 1838
142 Wonderful Words of Life-----Phillip P.Bliss
143 Faith of Our Fathers-----Henri F. Hemy
144 For All the Saints-----Ralph Vaughan Williams
145 Lord of Our Life-----Poitiers Antiphoner
146 Forward Through the Ages-----Arthur S.Sullivan
147 We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder-----Traditional
148 Word of God, Across the Ages-----Franz
Joseph Haydn 1797
149 God of Our Fathers-----George W.Warren
150 God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens-----Ludwig
Van Beethoven 1826
151 Morning Has Broken-----Traditional Gaelic
152 The Cattle on a Thousand Hills-----William
R.O'Brien 1974
153 My God Is There Controlling-----J.R.Tipton
154 I Sing the Almighty Power of God-----Traditional
English Melody
155 This Is My Father's World-----Franklin
L.Sheppard 1915
156 Jesus Paid It All-----John T.Grape 1868
157 At the Cross-----Ralph E.Hudson 1885
158 Nothing but the Blood-----Robert Lowry
159 There Is Power in the Blood-----Lewis
E.Jones 1899
160 Saved, Saved!-----Jack P.Scholfield 1911
161 The Way of the Cross Leads Home-----Charles
H. Gabriel 1906
162 Are You Washed in the Blood-----Elisha
A.Hoffman 1878
163 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me-----Thomas
Hastings 1832
164 Grace Greater than Our Sin-----Daniel
B.Towner 1910
165 Amazing Grace-----Virginia Harmony 1831
166 At Calvary-----Daniel B.Towner 1895
167 Christ Receiveth Sinful Men-----James
McGranahan 1883
168 Free From the Law, O Happy Condition-----Phillip
P.Bliss 1873
169 "Whosoever" Meaneth Me-----J.Edwin
McConnell 1910
170 He Included Me-----Hampton H.Sewell 1909
171 There's a Wideness in God's Mercy-----Lizzie
S.Tourjee 1878
172 Jesus, Lover of My Soul-----Simeon B.Marsh
173 No, Not Despairingly-----Ann B.Spratt
date unknown
174 Lord, I'm Coming Home-----William J.Kirkpatrick
175 I Hear Thy Welcome Voice-----Lewis Hartsough
176 Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior-----William
H. Doane 1868
177 I Am Resolved-----James H.Fillmore 1896
178 Out of My Bondage, Sorrow and Night-----George
C.Stebbins 1887
179 Let Jesus Come into Your Heart-----Leila
N.Morris 1898
180 Ye Must Be Born Again-----George C.Stebbins
181 Who at My Door Is Standing-----Asa B.Everett
182 The Savior Is Waiting-----Ralph Carmichael
183 Only Trust Him-----John H.Stockton 1873
184 "Whosoever Will"-----Phillip
P.Bliss 1869
185 Whiter Than Snow-----William G.Fischer
186 Just As I Am(tabernacle)-----Phillip Landgrave
187 Just As I Am(Woodworth)-----William B.Bradbury
188 Jesus Is Tenderly Calling-----George C.Stebbins
189 I'll Live for Him-----C.R.Dunbar 1882
190 Softly and Tenderly-----Will L.Thompson
191 I Have Decided to Follow Jesus-----Folk
Song from India
192 The Nail Scarred Hand-----B.B.McKinney
193 The Time Is Now-----Elmo Mercer 1967
194 Room at the Cross-----Ira F.Stanphill
195 The Sheltering Rock-----W.E.Penn 1887
196 Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy-----the
Sacred Harp 1844
197 Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy-----Southern
Harmony 1835
198 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus-----Helen H.Lemmel
199 Will You Come?-----Isham E.Reynolds 1920
200 Without Him-----Mylon R.LeFevre 1963
201 Our Hope Is in the Living God-----Henri
F.Hemy 1864
202 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah-----John
Hughes 1907
203 If You Will Only Let God Guide You-----Georg
Neumark 1657
204 In Heavenly Love Abiding-----Finish Hymn
205 There Is a Balm in Gilead-----Spiritual
206 Our Father God, Thy Name We Praise-----Bohemian
B.Kirchengesange 1566
207 Children of the Heavenly Father-----trad.
Swedish Melody
208 Like A River Glorious-----James Mountain
209 My Lord Is Near Me All the Time-----Barbara
F.Gaultney 1960
210 Come, Come, Ye Saints-----J.T.White 1844
211 Come Ye Disconsolate-----Samuel Webbe
212 Be Thou My Vision-----Trad. Irish Melody
213 Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us-----William
B. Bradbury 1859
214 All the Way My Savior Leads Me-----Robert
Lowry 1875
215 The King of Love My Shepherd Is-----John
B Dykes 1868
216 Great Is Thy Faithfulness-----William
M.Runyan 1923
217 Abide with Me-----William H.Monk 1861
218 He Leadeth Me! O Blessed Thought-----William
B. Bradbury 1864
219 God Will Take Care of You-----W.Stillman
Martin 1905
220 Just When I Need Him Most-----Charles
H.Gabriel 1907
221 Sometimes a Light Surprises-----trad.Welsh
Melody 1865
222 Day by Day-----Oscar Ahnfelt 1865
223 O God Our Help in Ages Past-----William
Croft 1708
224 Give to the Winds Your Fears-----Buryl
Red 1974
225 Have No Fear, Little Flock-----Heinz Werner
Zimmermann 1971
226 Follow On-----Robert Lowry 1880
227 Show, O Lord, Thy Blessed Face-----from
Foundry Collection 1742
228 Surely Goodness and Mercy-----J.W.Peterson
& A.B.Smith 1958
229 We Gather Together-----Dutch Folk Song
230 How Gracious Are Thy Mercies, Lord-----English
231 Count Your Blessings-----Edwin O. Excell
232 Sing to the Lord of Harvest-----Jane M.Marshall
233 Come Ye Thankful People, Come-----George
J.Elvey 1858
234 Now Thank We All Our God-----Johann Cruger
235 Built on the Rock the Church Doth Stand-----Ludwig
M.Lindaman 1840
236 The Church's One Foundation-----Samuel
S.Wesley 1864
237 O Church of God Triumphant-----Henry T.Smart
238 To Worship, Work, and Witness-----George
J.Webb 1837
239 Lord, Who Dost Give to Thy Church-----Charles
F.Brown 1974
240 I Love They Kingdom, Lord-----Aaron Williams
241 Jesus, with Thy Church Abide-----Orlando
Gibbons 1623
242 Come, Holy Spirit, Dove Divine-----H.Percy
Smith 1874
243 Just As I AM, Thine Own to Be-----Joseph
Barnby 1892
244 We Bless the Name of Christ the Lord-----Thomas
Hastings 1840
245 Where Can We Find Thee, Lord, So Near-----Henry
K.Oliver 1832
246 Here at Thy Table Lord-----William J.Sherwin
247 Frome Every Race, from Every Clime-----Latvian
Folk Melody ????
248 Thy Supper, Lord, Before Us Spread------Irving
Wolfe 1961
249 In Memory of the Savior's Love-----A.R.Reinagle
250 The Bread of Life for All Men Broken-----Su
Lin-Lan 1934
251 As We Gather Around the Table-----Mark
Blankenship 1974
252 Let Us Break Bread Together-----Traditional
253 Christian Hearts, in Love United-----Trad.German
254 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms-----Anthony
J.Showalter 1887
255 Sweet, Sweet Spirit-----Doris Akers 1965
256 Blest Be the Tie-----Johann G.Nigali 1845
257 Where Charity and Love Prevail-----Paul
Benoit 1959
258 In Christ There Is No East or West-----Trad.
259 The Bond of Love-----Otis Skillings 1971
260 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship-----William
Moore 1825
261 God Be with You-----William G.Tomer 1880
262 Make Me a Channel of Blessing-----Harper
G.Smyth 1903
263 Revive Us Again-----John L. Husband 1820
264 O Spirit of the Living God-----trad. Welsh
melody 1865
265 God of Grace and God of Glory-----John
Hughes 1907
266 Search Me, O God-----Edward J.Hopkins
267 Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned-----Thomas
Hastings 1837
268 Rise Up, O Men of God-----Aaron Williams
269 Stir Thy Church, O God, Our Father-----A.L.Butler
270 Dear Lord and Father of Mankind-----Frederick
C.Maker 18??
271 Send a Great Revival-----B.B.McKinney
272 Lord, Send a Revival-----B.B.McKinney
273 There Shall Be Showers of Blessing-----James
McGranaham 1883
274 Christ Is the World's True Light-----Ahasuerus
Fritsch 1679
275 Tell It Out with Gladness-----Ludwig Van
Beethoven 1824
276 Lord, Speak to Me, That I May Speak-----Robert
Schumann 1839
277 Jesus Saves-----William J.Kirkpatrick
278 We Have Heard the Joyful Sound-----Josiah
Booth 1898
279 Walk Ye in Him-----William J.Reynolds
280 So Send I You-----John W.Peterson 1954
281 We've a Story to Tell-----H.Ernest Nichol
282 Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun-----John
Hatton 1793
283 Rescue the Perishing-----William H.Doane
284 Spread, O Spread the Mighty Word-----F.Gesangbuch
285 Share His Love-----William J. Reynolds
286 I Bless the Christ of God-----Eric H.Thiman
287 Pass It On-----Kurt Kaiser 1969
288 Tell the Good News-----Gene Bartlett 1968
289 Ye Christian Heralds-----John Hatton 1793
290 Make Me a Blessing-----George S.Schuler
291 Savior, Teach Me Day by Day-----Parish
Choir 1850
292 Ye Servants of God-----William Croft 1708
293 Send Me, O Lord, Send Me-----Indonesian
294 Let Other's See Jesus in You-----B.B.McKinney
295 O Zion, Haste-----James Walch 1875
296 One World, One Lord, One Witness-----William
J.Reynolds 1968
297 God of Mercy, God of Grace-----Conrad
Kocher 1838
298 Lord, Lay Some Soul upon My Heart-----B.B.McKinney
299 New Life for You-----William J.Reynolds
300 Ring the Bells of Heaven-----George F.Root
301 We Have a Gospel to Proclaim-----William
Gardiner 1815
302 Set My Soul Afire-----Gene Bartlett 1965
303 Thou Whose Almighty Word-----S.S.Wesley
304 Send the Light-----Charles H.Gabrial 1890
305 O God, We Pray for All Mankind-----Thomas
Hastings 1837
306 Let the Song Go Round the Earth-----Buryl
Red 1963
307 Draw Thou My Soul, O Christ-----Arthur
S. Sullivan 1872
308 People to People-----William J.Reynolds
309 O Lord, Who Came to Earth to Show-----trad.
English Melody
310 Peace in Our Time, O Lord-----Milburn
Price 1971
311 Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life-----William
Gardiner 1815
312 Teach Me, O Lord, to Care-----James D.Cram
313 Thou, Whose Purpose Is to Kindle-----American
Folk Tune
314 Reach Out and Touch-----Charles F.Brown
315 Soldiers of Christ, in Truth Arrayed-----German
Melody 17??
316 Do You Really Care?-----Bill Cates 1967
317 Breathe on Me, Breath of God-----Robert
Jackson 1888
318 His Gentle Look-----Buryl Red 1969
319 When the Church of Jesus-----Ralph Vaughan
Williams 1925
320 O God of Every Time and Place-----Kentucky
Harmony c.1815
321 Make Room Within My Heart, O God-----Katherine
322 Lord, I Want to Be a Christian-----Trad.
Spiritual c.1907
323 Purer in Heart, O God-----James H.Fillmore
324 Higher Ground-----Charles H.Gabrial 1902
325 Footsteps of Jesus-----Asa B.Everett 1871
326 Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me-----Henri
F.Hemy 1864
327 More About Jesus-----John R. Sweeney 1887
328 May the Mind of Christ My Savior-----Cyril
Barham-Gould 1925
329 Immortal Love, Forever Full-----William
V.Wallace 1856
330 Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord-----A.B.Mansell
331 Free to Be Me-----William L.Hooper 1970
332 My Heart Looks in Faith-----Chinese Folk
333 Nearer, My God, to Thee-----Lowell Mason
334 Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine-----Pheobe
P.Knapp 1873
335 Standing on the Promises-----R.Kelso Carter
336 Jesus Loves Me-----William B. Bradbury
337 The Solid Rock-----William B.Bradbury
338 My Soul in Sad Exile-----George D.Moore
339 It Is Well with My Soul-----Phillip P.Bliss
340 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus-----Thomas
J.Williams 1890
341 The Lord's My Shepherd-----Jessie S.Irvine
342 I Am His, and He Is Mine-----James Mountain
343 God Is My Strong Salvation-----American
Folk Hymn
344 I Know Whom I Have Believed-----James
McGranahan 1883
345 Satisfied-----Ralph E. Hudson ????
346 All to Thee-----Richard D. Baker 1966
347 I Surrender All-----Winifield S.Weedon
348 Living for Jesus-----C.Harold Lowdwn 1915
349 Have Thine Own Way, Lord-----George C.Stebbins
350 Lead Me to Calvary-----Wm.J.Kirkpatrick
351 Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross-----Wm.H.Doane
352 I Am Thine, O Lord-----Wm.H.Doane 1875
353 Jesus Is Lord of All-----LeRoy McClard
354 Near to the Heart of God-----Cleland B.McAfee
355 Speak to My Heart-----B.B.McKinney 1927
356 Here Is My Life.....Gene Bartlett 1969
357 We Walk by Faith and Not by Sight-----653
358 Open My Eyes that I May See-----Clara
H.Scott 1895
359 God's World Today----- William J.Reynolds
360 Beneath the Cross of Jesus-----Frederick
C.Maker 1881
361 Wherever He Leads I'll Go-----B>B>McKinney
362 Come All Christians, Be Committed-----Sacred
Harp 1844
363 At the Name of Jesus-----Ralph Vaughan
Williams 1925
364 Hope of the World-----Joseph Barnby 1889
365 O Jesus, I Have Promised-----Arthur H.Mann
366 Take My Life, Lead Me, Lord-----R.Maines
Rawls 1968
367 Jesus Calls Us o'er the Tumult-----William
H.Jude 1887
368 O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go-----Albert
L.Peace 1884
369 O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee-----H.Percy
Smith 1874
370 Take Up Thy Cross-----William Gardiner
371 Where He Leads Me-----J.S.Norris 1890
372 O Thou, in Whose Presence-----Freeman
Lewis 1813
373 Take My Life, and Let It Be (HENDON)-----Lowell
Mason 1841
374 Take My Life, and Let It Be (YARBROUGH)-----Anonymous
375Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus-----William
J. Kirkpatrick 1882
376 Have Faith In God-----B.B. McKinney 1934
377 Faith Is the Victory-----Ira D. Sankey
378 Lord You Bid Us Ever-----Otmar Schulz
379 I Need Thee Every Hour-----Robert Lowry
380 My Faith Has Found a Resting Place-----Norwegian
Folk Melody
381 Moment by Moment-----May Whittle Moody
382 My Faith Looks Up to Thee-----Lowell Mason
383 How Firm a Foundation-----William Caldwell
384 He Who Would Valient Be-----C.Winfred
Douglas 1917
385 Once to Every Man and Nation-----Thomas
J.Williams 1890
386 Jesus Makes My Heart Rejoice-----Herrnhiler
Choralbuch 1735
387 The Banner of the Cross-----James McGranahan
388 Am I a Soldier of the Cross-----Thomas
A.Arne 1762
389 Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus-----Adam
Geibel 1901
390 O For a Faith That Will Not Shrink-----Thomas
A.Arne 1762
391 Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus-----George
J.Webb 1830
392 When Stephen, Full of Power and Grace-----Kentucky
Harmony c.1815
393 Onward Christian Soldiers-----Arthur S.Sullivan
394 Fight the Good Fight-----William Boyd
395 O Perfect Love-----Joseph Barnby 1889
396 O God in Heaven, Whose Loving Plan-----D.S.Bortniansky
397 God, Give Us Christian Homes-----B.B.McKinney
398 O God, Who to a Loyal Home-----J.R.Tipton
399 Teach Me to Pray-----Albert S.Reitz 1925
400 Prayer Is the Soul's Sincere Desire-----Donald
P.Hustad 1974
401 Sweet Hour of Prayer-----William B.Bradbury
402 I Waited for the Lord My God-----Thomas
Tallis 1561
403 What a Friend We Have in Jesus-----Charles
C. Converse 1868
404 Tell It to Jesus-----Edmund S. Lorenz
405 We Are Called to Be God's People-----Franz
Joseph Haydn 1797
406 Teach Me, O Lord, I Pray-----George J.Elvey
407 A Charge to Keep I Have-----William J.
Reynolds 1956
410 We Thank Thee That Thy Mandate-----Henry
T.Smart 1835
419 Glorious Is Thy Name Most Holy-----William
Moore 1825
420 Lead On, O King Eternal-----Henry T.Smart
424 Jesus Is All the World to Me--- --Will
L.Thompson 1904
427 Blessed Savior, Thee I Love-----Spanish
428 In the Garden-----C.Austin Miles 1912
430 The Old Rugged Cross----- George Bennard
434 All That Thrills My Soul-----Thoro Harris
435 He Keeps Me Singing-----Luther B.Bridgers
438 He Lives-----Alfred H.Ackley 1933
444 Redeemed-----A.L.Butler 1967
446 Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It-----William
J.Kirkpatrick 1882
448 Because He Lives-----William J.Gaither
450 I'm Not Ashamed to Own My Lord-----Carl
C.Glaser 1839
462 Love Lifted Me-----Howard E. Smith 1912
464 How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds-----A.R.Reinagle
475 Victory In Jesus-----E.M.Bartlett 1939
477 Now I Belong to Jesus----- Norman J.Clayton
478 No, Not One-----George C.Hugg 1895
479 He Is Able to Deliver Thee-----William
A. Ogden 1887
482 O Love of God Most Full-----Robert Jackson
488 Jerusalem, My Happy Home-----American
Folk Hymn
489 Face to Face with Christ My Savior-----Grant
C. Tullar 1898
490 On Jordon's Stormy Banks-----American
Folk Hymn 1800s
511 America or God Save the King-----anonymous