From Jeri’s Pen



My Dear Friends;

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say rejoice! Let your forbearing spirit (contentment with and generosity towards others) be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing , but in everything by prayer, and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:4-7).”

I feel sure that many of you in recent days have faced some challenging situations. I can feel sure that this is true for at least three reasons:

1. Satan would set out to discredit you in whatever resolve you made to follow Christ’s example while
suffering for His sake. You probably thought some person just wanted to rain on your parade and
wet your bonnet (hat).

2. God will permit you to have fertile ground in which to grow. Otherwise you will never know where you are in faith and action.

3.According to your responses many of you have an enhanced awareness of who you are and where you are with Christ.

We, my husband and I, count it a privilege to have been able to spend that time with you all during
our brief time together. And just as you grew we grew also as the result of so much preparation and the time spent sharing. None of us will likely be the same. As you journey along, the above verses can be of much benefit as you study them, memorize them and meditate on them and the teachings in them.

Beginning with verse 2 and continuing through verse 9 of the above referenced text Paul admonishes the Philippian Christians to:

1. Be United – (vs. 2-3) Two women who were obviously prominent church members could not agree
and would not compromise their ideas in order to secure a united front. Of course you are not like that or church or home, but if you know any sisters like so be available to lovingly assist them if possible lest they continue to wander in the dark. But just in case others never change the following verses help us to see what our attitude should be.

2. Be joyful - (vs. 4-5) “Rejoice in the Lord always. Real joy is found in the Lord and can always be found regardless of life’s circumstances in the security of ones relationship with the sovereign Lord. Being joyful in the Lord allows one to possess; 1. A forbearing spirit that is demonstrated in
contentedness with and generosity towards others; mercy or leniency towards the faults of others;
and patience without retaliating when submitting to injustice or mistreatment.

3. Be Prayerful – (vs. 6-7) Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer…
In other words ‘worry about nothing, but pray about everything’. To worry and fret indicates a lack of trust in God’s wisdom, power, or sovereign control. Pray including making request for specific needs from a thankful heart (thankful for past provisions and for whatever His answer for the future will be because you trust Him) And the peace of God will guard your heart and mind against anxiety.
The heart and mind comprise the inner person, the real you or the real me. It is where the issues of life are dealt with or where they are born and fester and grow. Issues such as division, bitterness, jealousy, fear, worry. These issues are only expressed through the outer person. But when a believer prays who has a thankful attitude based on full confidence that God is able and willing to do whatever is best for His children (Rom. 8:28), she is promised inner calm and tranquility that is beyond human insight. And this inner calm (peace of God) protects the believer from anxiety, fear,
doubt and distress.

4. Be Meditative – (vs.8-9) Finally, sisters……….. (you work this out)


Jeri Lampley
P.O. Box 123
Graceville, Florida 32440-0123
Phone (850) 263-5377


Woman to Woman

Joy of Discovery